

We are a key provider and coordinator of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education activities and support in Essex. These are for students at school and home, and are designed to both stimulate an interest in STEM and to open possible career paths.

» See upcoming CSES events for schools, children and families
» Talk to us about becoming a CSES Affiliate School


Including our flagship annual TEXPO for schools, projects and online competitions throughout the year.

Imagine! STEM Club

Out-of-school clubs, masterclasses and projects to enhance learning with fun, practical activities.

My Smarter Essex

Interactive conferences attended by students, industry partners and the public sector.

STEM Club Bursary

Financial and in-kind support for your STEM Club, project or activity at school.


Careers guidance, STE(A)M activities, ideas and other material for all ages both in school and at home.

Your stories

Take inspiration from what others have been getting up to.

Lighting efficiency study

This article is part of a series of follow-up questions on the My Smarter Essex presentations.

Over the years illumination in houses has become more efficient. This has been achieved in three ways:

  1. The light emission medium generates more lumens (light) per watt (unit of power).
  2. The light emission spectrum better matches that of the eye receptors.
  3. The luminaire (the overall fixture) has become more efficient at directing light to its desired place.

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Save the date for the 2017 Schools' Competition and Big Bang Eastern

Schools' Engineering and Technology Competition: Wed 28 June 2017, Marconi Building, Anglia Ruskin University

We are very pleased to announce the dates for our 2017 Schools' Engineering and Technology Competition:

  • The competition will take place on Wednesday 28 June 2017
  • The awards evening will take place on Wednesday 19 July 2017

(Note that the competition has moved from a Friday to a Wednesday).

This year we are working in collaboration with the Big Bang Eastern to hold a joint event.

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We awarded a £100 STEM Club Bursary to regular attendees (and winners!) at our competition Chelmer Valley High School in 2016 to relaunch their CAD/CAM club, which specialises in the development of practical hands-on skills as well as the computer-based skills needed to design the work.

The club had had to close in 2015 due to budget cuts but we were very pleased to be able to resurrect it. We wish the club every success and look forward to working with them in the future.

True to form, CVHS put in a strong showing at our 2016 Schools' Competition and scooped a handful of awards.

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Greensward Academy

Greensward Academy launched a STEM club in 2015, aided by £500 of STEM Club Bursary seed funding from CSES. This grant enabled 110 students from years 7 and 8 to participate the 2015 UKMT Junior Maths Challenge. We are delighted to report that the group achieved 8 silver and 19 bronze awards at national level.

We awarded a further £500 in 2016 to enable the nascent STEM club to grow. This money was used to fund various projects including a hydroelectric power generator, which was presented at our 2016 Schools' Competition and won the £200 STEM Club Award.

So after two years and a total of £1200 of STEM Club Bursary funding, Greensward Academy has a thriving STEM Club that continues to grow and with which we will continue to be involved. This is an excellent example of how the STEM Club Bursary can help a school to start and evolve a STEM Club, and we hope that this encourages other schools to apply.

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