Greensward Academy launched a STEM club in 2015, aided by £500 of STEM Club Bursary seed funding from CSES. This grant enabled 110 students from years 7 and 8 to participate the 2015 UKMT Junior Maths Challenge. We are delighted to report that the group achieved 8 silver and 19 bronze awards at national level.
We awarded a further £500 in 2016 to enable the nascent STEM club to grow. This money was used to fund various projects including a hydroelectric power generator, which was presented at our 2016 Schools' Competition and won the £200 STEM Club Award.
So after two years and a total of £1200 of STEM Club Bursary funding, Greensward Academy has a thriving STEM Club that continues to grow and with which we will continue to be involved. This is an excellent example of how the STEM Club Bursary can help a school to start and evolve a STEM Club, and we hope that this encourages other schools to apply.
King Edward VI Grammar School's Young Engineers Club bagged our £200 STEM Club Award at the 2015 Schools' Competition. Following an application to our STEM Club Bursary in 2016, we were very pleased to award them £100 to help them enter two teams into the 2016 VEX Robotics championships.
The funds awarded contributed towards the cost of parts for the robots and the registration fees for the second team.