

We are a key provider and coordinator of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education activities and support in Essex. These are for students at school and home, and are designed to both stimulate an interest in STEM and to open possible career paths.

» See upcoming CSES events for schools, children and families
» Talk to us about becoming a CSES Affiliate School


Including our flagship annual TEXPO for schools, projects and online competitions throughout the year.

Imagine! STEM Club

Out-of-school clubs, masterclasses and projects to enhance learning with fun, practical activities.

My Smarter Essex

Interactive conferences attended by students, industry partners and the public sector.

STEM Club Bursary

Financial and in-kind support for your STEM Club, project or activity at school.


Careers guidance, STE(A)M activities, ideas and other material for all ages both in school and at home.

Your stories

Take inspiration from what others have been getting up to.

Engineering Our Future: Aerospace Engineering

Tuesday 5th November 2013, 15:30 - 19:00, Anglia Ruskin University (Lord Ashcroft Building)

CSES is pleased to announce that it will be holding its 7th biannual Engineering Our Future event, this time based on the theme of Aerospace Engineering. The event will follow the normal agenda of exhibitions throughout the evening supported by local technology companies, Anglia Ruskin University, and organisations such as STEMNET and Essex County Council. During the evening there will be approximately 5 short and snappy lectures given by local engineers, scientists and others practising in the field of aerospace.

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The CSES Schools' Competition 2014 is launched!

CSES annual Schools' Competition 2014, Friday 20 June, Anglia Ruskin University

We are pleased to announce the 2014 launch of our annual Schools’ Engineering and Technology Competition.

The 2014 competition will be held on Friday 20 June 2014 at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, and an awards evening will be held on Thursday 3 July, also at Anglia Ruskin University. Please put these dates in your diary!

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A sixth-former's view by Annabelle (2013)

Annabelle receiving her award

Annabelle Richmond, winner of the Year 12-13 Systems and Control category, gives her thoughts on the 2013 CSES Schools' Competition.

I didn't know about the competition or the CSES until a few weeks prior to the event. One of the teachers at my school asked me if I'd like to take my project to the competition for the day with a few friends who were entering, and who also won prizes!

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