GovernanceChelmsford Science and Engineering Society (CSES) is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 291637.

Our purpose and approach as a charity are set out in our Constitution, which also defines key governance principles such as financial management, election of officials and conduct of general meetings.


The Constitution is the Society's governing document as defined by the Charity Commission.

Download PDF CSES Constitution

Strategy and Operating Model

The Strategy and Operating Model sets out how we interpret our Constitution, manage our operations and structure our leadership.

Download PDF CSES Strategy and Operating Model

Download PDF Stakeholder charters (appendix to Strategy and Operating Model)


Execution of this strategy, adherence to the Constitution and day-to-day running of the Society is the responsibility of our elected Council of trustees, who head up the wider leadership team (Committee) as defined in the Constitution.

Further governance information:

To view our accounts and other legal details, search for us on the Charity Commission website (by name or number).