My Smarter Essex


My Smarter Essex is an initiative led by CSES in partnership with ARU and Essex County Council.

The mission is to engage citizens of all ages in the design of a smarter future Essex, and to promote careers and opportunities in STE(A)M, through a series of interactive conferences for students, families, industry partners and the public sector.

IET says it's "time to involve the people"

Research undertaken by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) – one of our partners – has found that, despite considerable investment by the UK government, local authorities and businesses, there is a basic lack of awareness among the British public about what a smart city is, does, and its potential to improve citizens' quality of life.

My Smarter Essex aims to fix that, by implementing the three objectives defined in the IET Smart Cities report.

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What is 'Cozfest' and where do I buy the t-shirt?

This article is part of a series of follow-up questions on the My Smarter Essex presentations.

Many, many people wanted to know the answer to this question. It was submitted numerous times to the question/comment messaging board at My Smarter Essex on 6 October.

Well, the short answer is here:

Read on to find out what Cozfest is and why Adam (pictured) was wearing that t-shirt...

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Poll results from My Smarter Essex

My Smarter Essex, which took place on 6 October 2016 at Anglia Ruskin University, included a number of real-time, interactive polls that gathered the audience's opinions on some of the issues raised during the presentations. This was in addition to the free-form questions and comments submitted by those who attended.

We can confirm that 125 people took part in the polls, and their responses – along with our commentary – is now available.

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Lighting efficiency study

This article is part of a series of follow-up questions on the My Smarter Essex presentations.

Over the years illumination in houses has become more efficient. This has been achieved in three ways:

  1. The light emission medium generates more lumens (light) per watt (unit of power).
  2. The light emission spectrum better matches that of the eye receptors.
  3. The luminaire (the overall fixture) has become more efficient at directing light to its desired place.

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Engineering Our Future with Professor Danielle George

EOF2016, Thursday 5 May 2016, 15.30, Marconi Hall Street Works

CSES is delighted to announce a unique opportunity, as part of our Engineering Our Future series, for local school students to see and hear Professor Danielle George at the original Marconi factory in Hall Street.

Danielle is probably best known for presenting The Royal Institution 2014 Christmas Lectures.

Places are limited: book now!

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My Smarter Essex

My Smarter Essex

My Smarter Essex: Thursday 6 October, 16:00-19:30, Anglia Ruskin University

Could your students design and build a city for the future using just their imagination and a mobile phone?

CSES, in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University and Essex County Council, is pleased to announce an exciting and interactive event – My Smarter Essex – where students and teachers will be able to understand, explore and simulate how their requirements and preferences can influence the design of a Future Essex.

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EOF2015: Security

Engineering Our Future: Wednesday 4 November, 16.00 for 16.30, Anglia Ruskin University

Engineering Our Future is back with a particularly exciting topic: Security, which will feature some live demonstrations!

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