A report from the event at Clacton Coastal Academy, 9 November 2022
Students from Clacton Coastal Academy took part in a "Step Into STEM" My Smarter Essex event as part of National Green Careers Week. The event was launched by Cllr Tony Ball, Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability, and focused on local career opportunities linked with renewable energy, sustainable materials and the skills students will need to develop to be successful in this sector.
The event, planned in conjunction with CSES, Essex County Council, NHS Integrated Care Board and the STEM Ambassador Hub, invited students to explore a variety of careers through practical, hands-on activities, including constructing their own solar and wind power sources, preparing fibre-optic wiring and exploring a working wind turbine through a VR headset.

Visitors included ESNEFT Robotics, Writtle College, Galloper wind farms, Siemens, Colchester Institute, Rose Construction, Concurrent Technologies, UK Power Networks, Openreach, Flaktgroup, Code for Life, Dania Construction and Battelle UK.

Photographs and footage of the event was captured by the CCA Sixth Media Team and will be made available via the Essex Opportunities website at essexopportunities.co.uk.

Laura Leatherby, Assistant Principal said:
"We all understand how important sustainable and renewable sources of energy are for the future of our planet, so it was fantastic to be able to introduce students to some of the local and national organisations that are paving the way for the green careers of the future. These are the jobs that our students will be applying for in the next 3+ years, so we look forward to seeing the impact industry insight days like this have on their future plans."
Roy Hilsley from CSES said:
"This was one of the best school STEM events CSES has delivered. It was well planned, organised and supported by all concerned."