First events announced, more to follow shortly
What could possibly be better than the long, scorching summer we've just had? Apart from some rain* for your garden, the answer is of course our 2018/2019 programme!
We are pleased to confirm that the first few events of the season include:
- two social events (a Café Scientifique on Tue 16 Oct and a curry on Thu 25 Oct);
- a talk from the IOP on Thu 18 Oct;
- a tour around Stow Maries Aerodrome on Sat 20 Oct; and
- My Smarter Essex on Thu 1 Nov.
Please see our events page for full details, further events and booking details where appropriate. There are also links to add items to your calendar.
We are currently finalising dates with the IET and the IMechE and will be announcing our joint lecture programme shortly. Please keep an eye on the website and, if you are a member, look out for updates by email.
If you're not yet a member, now is the time to sign up!
We look forward to seeing you at one of our events.
* Fun facts:
- Chelmsford received only 0.5 mm of rain in June against an average of 40.1 mm
- We received only 61.1 mm throughout June, July and August which is 25% of the average
- Chelmsford's annual rainfall is the same as Jerusalem (give or take)