Small Modular Reactors – Why Net Zero Needs More Nuclear

 Registration is closed for this event
A FREE IMechE talk for the public by Mike McLean - AMR and SMR Market Lead, Atkins Realis.


SMRs are roughly a third of the size of a typical nuclear power plant with designs that may employ light water as a coolant or other non-light water coolants such as a gas, liquid metal, or molten salt that can be used for power generation, process heat, desalination and other industrial uses. Because of the simplicity and flexibility in design, SMRs offer lower upfront costs, enhanced safety and security, shorter lead and construction times, greater scalability and siting flexibility. Mike leverages this extensive knowledge to support developers and AMR/SMR vendors in delivering advanced technologies. He supports developers and vendors aiming to provide cost-effective electricity to the grid, decarbonise the industry, or close the nuclear fuel cycle.

Refreshments will be available from 30 minutes before the advertised start time.


To book your FREE place, please click Register Now from the event page on our website. Alternatively, just turn up!

If you ae unable to attend in person the event will be available online. Details of how to join are available via the IMeche website HERE

15 January 2025 from 19:30 to 21:00
Anglia Ruskin University (Room QUE 101)
Queen's Building
Bishop Hall Lane
United Kingdom
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