Satellite Communications: from Arthur C Clarke to Elon Musk and Beyond...

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A FREE IET talk for the public by Paul Richardson, Founder SCAN (Satellite Communications And Networks) Consultancy

Arthur C Clarke's theory of Geostationary satellites started the satellite communications revolution. From the launch of Sputnik 1 – the first ever satellite in space – in 1963 to as of May 4th (be with you) 2023, there are 11,300 Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), Medium Earth (MEO) and Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites orbiting the earth.

To explain more about this amazing transformation, this talk will explore the following:

  • The theory of satellites as a bent pipe means of communicating between two points on the earth’s surface and how we communicate with satellites.
  • Requirements of satellite ground stations, their component parts and operation.
  • How do we take content (video, voice and data), compress it, secure it and modulate it onto a high-frequency, high-power carrier?
  • How have HTS (high throughput satellites) with spot beam and frequency reuse technology evolved to make satellite communications more acceptable and affordable?
  • How have HTS, MEO and LEO satellites enabled us to connect to the O3B (the Other 3 Billion) of unconnected people in the world?
  • Will merging satellite communication with 4G and 5G mobile communication standards provide a seamless communication infrastructure right across the world?
  • What will Starlink, One Web and Amazon LEO constellations together with cheap flat panel antennas mean for the broadband high data revolution?
  • What next? Will light become the new content carrier between the ground and satellites and also between satellites in space?

Paul Richardson has a strong RF and wireless engineering background and over 20 years' experience in the Satellite Communications market. He produced the business plan and started the “Stellar” Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier business at E2V Technologies (now Teledyne e2v) in 1994 and designed and brought to market the first 3RU 400W Ku band Traveling Wave Tube amplifier (TWTA). He went on to develop and launch further new products including the smallest and lightest outdoor 200W Ku Band TWTA for SNG operators.

Refreshments will be available from 30 minutes before the advertised start time.


To book your FREE place, please click Register Now from the event page on our website. Alternatively, just turn up!

20 March 2024 from 18:30 to 20:30
Anglia Ruskin University (Room QUE 101)
Queen's Building
Bishop Hall Lane
United Kingdom
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