Connecting Continents: A Maritime Adventure

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A FREE IMechE talk for the public by Rob Struznya


Most people think that international communications are made using satellites. In reality 95% of these communications are carried by subsea cables. The only time we hear this is when they break for example when Tonga was disconnected, or when unexplained outages occur in the Baltic. This talk describes how these subsea cables developed from the telegraph era to today’s digital age where tiny glass fibres carry terabytes under the oceans.

Rob has spent over 40 years working with subsea cables. He was Technical Director of the company that laid the first international fibre optic cable across the North Sea followed by the UK segment of the first trans- Atlantic fibre crossing. The talk will include a trans-Pacific repair at 9200m (almost the deepest place on Earth).

Refreshments will be available from 30 minutes before the advertised start time.


To book your FREE place, please click Register Now from the event page on our website. Alternatively, just turn up!

This event can also be accessed online! For details of how to join visit the IMechE website HERE

26 March 2025 from 19:30 to 21:00
Anglia Ruskin University (Room QUE 101)
Queen's Building
Bishop Hall Lane
United Kingdom
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