To book your FREE place, please click Register Now from the event page on our website.
This event will be delivered via Microsoft Teams at the following link:
Click here to join the meeting
At the start of our centenary year in October 2020, we launched an ambitious new vision, strategy and operating model that would capitalise on the success of Essex 2020 and be fit for the "new normal" post-Covid. The last 12 months have certainly been busy! As our centenary year draws to a close, we would like to share with you the latest developments and provide an update on the plan.
As well as the usual formalities such as electing the Council of trustees for the coming year and presenting the annual accounts, this AGM will include a showcase of our recent Spotlight Roundtable on Inclusivity, as an example of the work we've been doing, and a preview of the recommendations that will come from this. We will also look at other highlights of the year, including the British Science Festival and ARU Family Science Day.
Click here to download the agenda and supporting papers.
This event is OPEN TO ALL: members and non-members alike. This is because we want to share our work with as many people as possible, as we strengthen and grow our network, and because we know that the talks may interest some who may not be formal members of the Society.
Note that only members may vote on AGM resolutions, however, and we will be asking for the names of anyone who does so.
Approximate timings for the evening will be as follows:
19:00 – Opening of CSES Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021
Agenda as follows (link to papers):
- Introduction, Apologies and Welcome
- Previous Minutes of AGM for Approval (link to minutes)
- Matters Arising from November 2020 AGM Minutes
- Update on Independent Financial Examiner Appointment (AM)
- Arrangement of Presidents Dinner for 2022 / Timing of return to social programme (AW)
- Gift Aid query (AM)
- Approve minor Updates to Strategy Documents
- Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for Approval
- President’s Annual Report
- Thanks to Council / Committee Leavers
- Election of Council 2021/22
- Trustees to be (re-)elected to defined roles
- Trustees to be (re-)elected to general posts until defined roles filled
- Non-trustee members committee (for information)
20:00 – Presentations from "Inclusivity: Closing the Gap"
Gary Cousins (Capability Lead, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence) will introduce the following provocation and question:
Creating social value is no longer a “nice to have” but now a genuine competitive assessment in public tenders. Given this, how can science and technology businesses in Essex best create social value in a targeted and strategic manner?
Peter Fairley (Director, Strategy, Policy & Integration (People), Essex County Council) will introduce the following provocation and question:
The demand for complex, person-centred care of physical and mental health is increasing and costs are rising unsustainably. Access is therefore increasingly limited. What applications of science and technology can reverse this trend and allow us to deliver integrated and inclusive health and social care – and cater for differing needs and abilities – efficiently, effectively and compassionately?
Amy Knight (CSES Secretary and Teacher of Science, Passmores Academy) will introduce the following provocation and question:
The shift to online and remote learning brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that technology can be a significant threat to inclusion, with disparities in digital access – caused by a range of factors – leading to exaggeratedly differing outcomes and loss of social skill development. How can we turn this around, harnessing technology to deliver an integrated scientific, digital and creative education fit for today’s economy without these downsides?
Adam Wood (CSES President) will then outline the recommendations made as a result of the discussions that followed the above presentations.
21:00 – Close
An earlier finish time is anticipated if the procedural aspects of the AGM run smoothly.
To help us with keeping an attendance register, please book your FREE place by clicking Register Now from the event page on our website.
This event will be delivered via Microsoft Teams at the following link:
Click here to join the meeting
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