CSES/ARU Christmas Lectures: Your Life Is Manufactured!

A FREE talk for schools and students by Prof Tim Minshall, Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation & Head of the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge.


Once again we are delighted to host the CSES/ARU Christmas Lectures for Schools and Students. This year we will look at how Engineers and Scientists bring us the things that we so often take for granted. There will be two presentations of the talk, one from 10.30am - 12pm and one from 1.45pm - 3.15pm.

Look around your house and, with the exception of the contents of your fridge or the fruit bowl, just about everything you see will have been manufactured! But have you ever thought about how all of these things we see every day got here, or where they came from? How many miles have the components of your phone travelled before they reach you? How many parts are there in the car you travel in? and how do they all end up in the right place at the right time? Can we continue to have the things we want and need without using up the World's finite resources?

"Manufacturing A Better World" has been adopted as the vision of the University of Cambridge's Institute For Manufacturing. From supply chains, to 3D printing, to electric aeroplanes this presentation by Professor Tim Minshall will highlight the role that engineers will play in solving the many future challenges we face on Earth, and beyond.

Tim Minshall is the inaugural Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation at the University of Cambridge, Head of the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) and Head of the IfM’s Centre for Technology Management (CTM). He is also a renowned "communicator" of the benefits that engineering and science can bring to the World. His research, teaching and engagement activities are focused on the links between manufacturing and innovation.
Since joining the University of Cambridge in 2002, Tim has played a very active role in the development of innovation and technology management activities across the University and with companies in the Cambridge cluster, one of the largest and most successful technology clusters in Europe.

TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST- e-mail contact@cses.org.uk indicating how many students you would like to bring along and their age group. WE NOW ONLY HAVE PLACES LEFT FOR THE AFTERNOON SESSION STARTING AT 1.45PM.


11 December 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00
Anglia Ruskin University (Room SAL 001)
Michael Salmon Building
Bishop Hall Lane
United Kingdom
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