Images on the theme of "Electronic Communication"
Thank you to everyone who entered our 2023 Photographic Competition on the theme of Electronic Communication. This year, we received some particularly witty and poignant entries that we very much enjoyed reviewing!
You can see all of the photographs at our web gallery here.
Congratulations to our winners, whose entries are shown below. Prizes this year were £50 (first) and £20 (second) in both the primary and secondary age categories.
Primary – First Prize

For Some... "It's My Life"
For Others... "It's My Lifeline"
Primary – Second Prize

This is a triptych of images, with different interpretations of the word "Icons"!
It's strange to think that before I was born the iconic red telephone box, designed in 1924, was what you would walk to, to make a call. Nowadays, we can do this from the comfort of our houses. The designer behind this was Sir Giles Gilbert Scott (1880 to 1960).
The advances in mobile phone technology have come a long way over the last 50 years. The younger generations are born around such complicated technology and can teach the older generations lots of new skills to keep in touch and connected.
A network switch directs network traffic and data, like the millions of cells connected to your brain. It quietly does its work, while we completely ignore this hub of activity we just seamlessly connect to.
Secondary – First Prize

Electronic communication has caused some people to forget how to interact with the real world. My picture shows how one family completely missed the point of holiday homework. The task, to experience nature first hand and explore the sights, smells and, sounds of spring but instead they resorted to technology.
Secondary – Second Prize

Social media is proven to be an addictive distraction. lt causes peer pressure and procrastination due to the unrealistic views of people's lifestyles and endless notifications. It deprives sleep, causing mental health problems and stunted growth in kids and teenagers because of change in sleep patterns, and more accident occurrence.