Meet the team
Bob Easby

- Position:
- Committee Member
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Miscellaneous Information
- Miscellaneous Information
After qualifying as an Electrical Engineer, Bob worked as an Electrical Draughtsman with ICI. In 1965, he decided to change track and joined EMI's Computer Division in Hayes, working initially on the 1100 system, marketed as the first fully transistorised computer in the world. Bob performed a variety of roles: support engineer, diagnostic programmer, commissioning engineer and finally Mainframe Product Support Manager with ICL Fujitsu, as EMI, English Electric, Leo Marconi and Ferranti merged to form the now long-gone British Computer Industry.
Bored with retirement, in 2000, Bob joined a grammar school in Southend as Physics Technician and spent 17 very happy years being paid for playing with Physics equipment and being involved with a variety of STEM activities at the school.