
CSES IMAGINE! Environmental Challenge

CSES Imagine! Environmental Challenge

Today, modern society suffers many forms of pollution, litter in our streets, fumes in our towns and plastic waste in the oceans.

CSES hopes to encourage the young people of Essex to become aware of the (mainly human) activities which result in this pollution and IMAGINE! ways in which the pollution can be reduced or eliminated, or circumventions can be put in place to reduce the risk to the environment or human health.

This first of several challenges invites pupils currently in Years 6 or 7, individually or in teams of up to four (please check Covid tier rules for your area before planning a team venture) to investigate the risks posed to people just by walking to school or through a particular area of their Town Centre.

Please register here if you would like to enter this competition.

There are many different things you could consider:

Participants will be sent a “Details of Investigation” form which will help to document the research undertaken and which will be submitted to the British Science Association for consideration for a CREST Discovery Award.

CREST is a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like Scientists and Engineers. For details see

Please register here if you would like to enter this competition.

The final date for submission is Friday 4 June 2021.

If you are a child less than 13 years of age please ask your parent or guardian first.
